Report a sighting
Call the RAPP hotline if you see a bear.
Your first call should be to the RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) hotline. They will then share the information to the relevant people, such as the local conservation officer, and our team at Bear Aware. Reporting a bear sighting to RAPP does not mean that the bear will be harmed.
Please call the RAPP hotline if you see a bear in Revelstoke.
Report a bear sighting:
Please include as much information as possible so that we can put up bear in area signs, canvas the area for bear attractants and provide education to those in need. Thank you for helping to keep bears wild and our community safe.
Information to share when reporting a bear sighting:
Write down the details before your call.
It’s a great idea to write down all the details about the bear and your sighting whilst it’s fresh in your mind before you make the call.
Identify yourself & the reason for calling.
Indicate where you live, why you are calling, your name and telephone number.
Details about the bear & its whereabouts.
You will be asked what type of bear you have seen, the location of the bear, and the time of the sighting. If the bear is on your property at the time of the call, they will instruct you on what to do.
Great details to share:
Identifying features of the bear.
What kind of bear was it? How large was it? Did it have any distinguishing markings (such as a white patch, scars, a notched ear, etc.)?
Were there any bear cubs?
Was the bear alone or did it have cubs with it? How many were there?
What was the bears behaviour?
What was the bear doing? Was it walking, running, eating, sleeping? Did it make noise? Did it leave any signs (scat, tracks, claw marks, etc.)?
Was there anything odd?
Was there anything out of the ordinary about its behaviour? For example, was it limping? Did it act aggressively? If a bear does not seem to be afraid of humans, loud noises, or is eating garbage, it is exhibiting abnormal behaviour.
Bonus points
How long was the bear in the area? What caused the bear to leave? Have you seen this bear before? Have your neighbours seen it? If so, how often?
Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this information. It is valuable data that helps record the movements and numbers of local bear populations, enabling us to better protect the public and the bears.
Our Revelstoke Bear Aware Coordinator keeps track of bear sightings and associated bear attractants reported to the RAPP line. By reporting a bear sighting you will improve our ability to to direct our public education initiatives.
If there’s a conflict with a bear:
If there is a conflict with a bear, call the Conservation Officer immediately (1-877-952-7277) and RCMP (250-837-5255)
More to discover:
Living in bear country
Discover how to keep our community safe and Revelstoke’s bears wild.
Get involved
Make a difference locally when you volunteer, donate or become a member.
Reporting a bear
Find out who to inform and what information to share when you spot a bear..