Food storage & grills.

Bears can smell your food from huge distances.
Nothing says summer has arrived like eating alfresco, picnics and the scent of a barbeque wafting on the breeze. However, these lovely outdoor dining experiences and food odours also appeal to bears. Storing your food in a bear resistant manner will keep your home safe.
Cleaning up
Keep an eye out for bears at barbeques – the smells from cooking can attract bears from surprisingly long distances.
We understand that barbeques are a time to relax and enjoy company, but the bears don’t know that. They’re just interested in a free meal!
Make sure not to leave any food unattended whilst you’re cooking or eating. As soon as you are finished eating, take everything that’s been in touch with food, inside the house or secure it in a bear-proof place. Dispose of your garbage promptly and securely.
Top Tip
Use an onion to clean the grill.
Yep, that’s right! Chop an onion in half and rub it over the grates. It will make it much easier to brush clean and there’s no nasty chemical sprays needed.
Bears love the smell of sizzling steak and smoked fish.
Humans and bears are quite similar in a lot of ways. We both seem to be drawn to the smell of a barbeque and smoked meats.

3 Top tips to bbq safely in bear country.
1. Thoroughly burn off or clean your barbeque after every use.
Always make sure you spend those extra few minutes to clean off your bbq. Use our handy onion trick from the top tip above to keep things simple.
2. Store your bbq securely.
Keep your barbeque covered, and if possible, store it in a secure location, inaccessible to bears.
3. Don’t be greasy.
If your barbeque has a grease catch, ensure that it is removed and cleaned after each use.
Safe smoking.
Many residents enjoy smoking fish and other products. These tasty treats are very tempting to not only bears, but birds, dogs, and other animals. If you use a smoker on a regular basis, follow the same precautions listed for the barbeque.
If you must run your smoker for extended periods of time, especially overnight, consider a small, portable electric fence as a deterrent.
There is a fridge or freezer in your garage or outside.
Bears can sniff out odours that we can’t pick up. That includes the smells from the exhaust fumes of a fridge or freezer, especially ones kept outside.
2 So you don’t think a bear can open a fridge or freezer door…
Black bears have relatively short, curved claws (often under 2 inches) that are well-adapted for opening lever-style handles and sliding doors, unscrewing jar tops, opening lids and pushing up unlocked windows.
Placing a rock on top or a freezer chest will not protect it from a bear.
Lock up any freezer or fridge in a bear resistant space.
If your garage has a flimsy panel door, it’s best not to store anything with an odour inside, this includes a fridge or freezer.

More to discover:

Living in bear country
Discover how to keep our community safe and Revelstoke’s bears wild.

Get involved
Make a difference locally when you volunteer, donate or become a member.

Reporting a bear
Find out who to inform and what information to share when you spot a bear..