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Outdoor basics.


Recreating in bear country.

We share our backyard with bears. Being prepared is the key to staying safe and keeping our bears wild. Learn the basics and follow the guidelines when travelling, playing and camping in and around Revelstoke.

Most importantly, please take the time to educate yourself and your family on bear safety.

RBAS_Tip 1


Make noise, stay alert and stay together.

Make noise periodically so bears can avoid you. Leave the earbuds at home. Certain sports, like mountain biking or running, increase your risk of encountering wildlife due to your speed and lack of sound. Travel in groups whenever possible. Always keep children close by and within sight.

Tip 2


Leave no trace, trash or scraps and store food safely.

Pack out ALL of your wrappers, scraps and trash. Leaving behind even a ‘harmless’ carrot top teaches bears to associate trails with food. Store all food securely when camping. Do not burn trash or scraps.

Tip 3


Always carry bear spray and know what to do if you encounter a bear.

Bear spray is the most effective way of preventing injury from a bear attack. Back away slowly. Do not run. Do not make eye contact. Know what to do to stay safe if you encounter a bear.

Tip 4


Plan ahead, know the rules, and be prepared.

Always let someone know about your travel plans and location. Know the bylaws and rules if you are travelling in BC or Parks. Carry bear spray and follow guidelines.

Tip 5


Know your environment and stay vigilent.

When taking part in any sport outdoors, do not take bear safety lightly. Your speed and lack of noise puts you at risk. Stay alert, pay attention to your surroundings and make noise.

Tip 6


Keep dogs and pets leashed.

Keep all dogs on a leash in bear country. Dogs that bark at bears or chase them are seen as a threat by bears and mean that the bear is likely to attack to defend itself. Dogs will also lead a bear back to you upon return. Stay safe and keep your pets leashed.


Top Tip

If you see a bear

If the bear is UNAWARE of you:
Move away quietly and slowly without getting its attention.

If the bear is AWARE of you:
Get your group together, pick up children. Speak firmly to the bear, don’t scream. Back away slowly. Don’t make eye contact and DO NOT RUN.

Identifying bears

Discover the difference between a black and a grizzly bear, and just how cool our resident Ursus really are! Spoiler alert: they are very, very cool creatures.

I’ve encountered a bear outdoors, what do I do now?

If there is a conflict with a bear, call the Conservation Officer immediately (1-877-952-7277) and RCMP (250-837-5255). To avoid conflict with a bear in the wild, it’s important to be prepared


Call the RAPP hotline if you see a bear.

Your first call should be to the RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) hotline. They will then share the information to the relevant people, such as the local conservation officer, and our team at Bear Aware. Reporting a bear sighting to RAPP does not mean that the bear will be harmed.

Please call the RAPP hotline if you see a bear in Revelstoke.


If there’s a conflict with a bear:

If there is a conflict with a bear, call the Conservation Officer immediately (1-877-952-7277) and RCMP (250-837-5255)

More to discover:

RBAS_bear aware_trio

Living in bear country

Discover how to keep our community safe and Revelstoke’s bears wild.

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Get involved

Make a difference locally when you volunteer, donate or become a member.


Reporting a bear

Find out who to inform and what information to share when you spot a bear..

Bear Awareness

At-Home & Residential

Outdoors & Recreation

Bear Sightings


Take Action