What’s going on
Discover all about your active programs and events at the Revelstoke Bear Aware Society.

Gleaning Project
As soon as fruit is ripe, or even just before, harvest it. If you aren’t able to manage your trees and shrubs, contact our Gleaning Project team to help.

Education Program
We’re out and about in the community giving presentations and attending farmer’s markets. interested in having us at your event or classroom?

Bare Campsite Program
We provide bear safe information for campers and campgrounds.

Bear Awareness Day
Our annual bear awareness day where all things bears will be happening all around the community.

Burger Challenge
Local restaurants serve up delicious burgers hoping to be named Best Burger.

Electric fencing, pruning and so much more.
Connect on social.
Find us in all the usual places & stay up to date with the latest news & sightings in Revelstoke.
More to discover:

Living in bear country
Discover how to keep our community safe and Revelstoke’s bears wild.

Get involved
Make a difference locally when you volunteer, donate or become a member.

Reporting a bear
Find out who to inform and what information to share when you spot a bear..