Checklists & safety.
Guides, booklets & checklists to make sure you’re informed & have everything covered.
Family Checklist
Homeowner’s Checklist
Report Card
What to watch.
Sometimes you just want to kick back, dust off the DVD player and refresh your bear safety know-how. If you want to go old-school, there are some great videos available through the Revelstoke Library or available to buy/stream online.
Living in Bear Country.
Living in Bear Country explains how a few simple adjustments to your daily routine can reduce property damage and human injury from bears.
Staying Safe in
Bear Country.
Watch leading experts on bear behaviour and see relevant guidelines on safety practices in bear country.
Booklet: Travelling Safely in Bear Country.
An oldie but a goodie. Learn about bear ecology and what it really means to explore the backcountry that we share with black and grizzly bears.
More to discover:
Living in bear country
Discover how to keep our community safe and Revelstoke’s bears wild.
Get involved
Make a difference locally when you volunteer, donate or become a member.
Reporting a bear
Find out who to inform and what information to share when you spot a bear..